My Internship with Sierra Club

If the title doesn’t give it away, I will be interning with the Sierra Club this semester, and I am very excited. I originally thought the Ecology Center would be a good option, but I ended up receiving an email from an animal rights group on campus that mentioned the Sierra Club was looking for interns. After reading that they will be attempting to decrease DTE’s use of coal as their primary source of energy, I became more interested in that project because improving the environment is possibly my favorite area of non-profit work. 

For my assignment, I have been told that I will need to attend a couple press / media conferences to get a better idea of exactly how the Sierra Club plans on fighting DTE and learn what specific messages they plan to put out to achieve that. First, I will be creating blog and web content to try and encourage web users to sign an online petition, I will update social media and possibly add media content, and may help with writing press content and will possibly do some local, dirty work of putting up flyers around campus to get more online signatures. 

Ultimately, Sierra Club is suing DTE for violating some environmental laws and they will need a lot of community support in order to win any lawsuits. So I will do whatever I can to help with that. 



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  1. Sounds like you’re working in a variety of media, including paper! Can’t wait to hear about how it all comes together.

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